It's been kind of a anti climatic Winter here in the mitten, as there was just a little bit of snow--and VERYmild temps. Now we are hours away from the beginning of Spring, and dreams of geocaching some more are dancing in my head. So what am I waiting for?!? Actually, we have been caching off and on throughout the Winter, and even nabbed 8 tonight after dinner. That's one of the many things I love about geocaching! You can do this hobby 24/ long as you pack the right supplies.
Tackling a geocaching challenge
So, what have I been up too????
We have had the pleasure of attending a few Meet and Greet events, where other crazy geocachers get together and meet face to face, sharing all their best caching stories. It is nice to be able to start putting faces with caching names, although truth be told, I've only been to one of these events. Unfortunately, the local M&G happens the evening I have another engagement.
So, what are the future plans????
We are looking forward to the Geocachers Potluck and cache release in a couple weeks on Beautiful Belle Isle, located on the Detroit River--across the way from Canada. So far, over 300 cachers will be there to eat, fellowship and searching for all the new caches that will be released into the wild for the 2012 season. We have been tackling many of the 2011 caches, and hoping to finish those off while looking for the new ones. Maybe we'll get our very FTF (first to find).
The family is also preparing for a few geocaching themed camping trips--so needless to say it's going to be a very busy Summer! The midget will also be preparing to put together his first cache to hide, so hopefully we'll have some fun stories to share about that one. Right now, we are working on the theme, so stayed tuned!
The Mighty Midget looking for a well hidden cache--still haven't found it:o/
My darling hubby admiring the surroundings of Belle Isle, Detroit, Michigan
Happy Caching!